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Determining the insulation resistance of DC cables used in photovoltaic systems under operational conditions

How to model the insulation resistance of DC cables?

In collaboration with the Power Systems Modelling Laboratory of the University of Cyprus and the High Voltage Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens, the consortium of the electroLYSIS project published a paper in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. This paper investigates the effects of operating current, soil properties and UV ageing on the insulation resistance of cables used in the PV industry. Based on standardized experimental tests, the temperature-dependent conductivity was measured, and therefore the temperature-conductivity relationship for each cable type is extracted. Using the Arrhenius equation, a mathematical model was developed, which provided the basis for subsequent simulations of the cable insulation resistance based on the thermal properties of the insulation material, surrounding soil, and the current flowing through the conductor. The simulation provided insights into the dynamic changes of the insulation resistance based on the operating parameters. Moreover, the experimental UV ageing of cables used in the PV industry provided important insights regarding the downgrading of the insulation resistance upon prolonged exposure to the sun.

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This work was supported in part by the European Regional Development Fund and in part by the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation under Grant INTEGRATED/0916/0050, Grant PRE-SEED/0719(B)/0247, and Grant CONCEPT-HYDRO/0421/0012.

Simulated insulation resistance before (dashed line) and after UV ageing (solid line) during the PV operation period for the four above-ground different cable types. The produced PV current flowing through the cables is shown with olive color. The temperature of the cable insulation is shown with orange shaded color.